The Greatest Channel You’re Not Watching
No, you’re not. But maybe you should be …
A Travel Guide for Ghosts
Coming this September: a ghastly trip through VA from 23 local authors (including a familiar name)! Before that, one of the editors asks a wicked question…
This Is Not Inevitable
My story, #1 on Amazon? Nahhh…
New (True) Story: “Name Me Haunted”
Want to know how I got my name? (Are you sure?) New true story in the HWA’s Halloween Haunts series.
New Story: “Boundless Vendettas”
New Story! “Boundless Vendettas” in Oct. issue of Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine
Reading Rec: “Guilt-Edge Security” by James A. Hartley in the May issue of After Dinner Conversation.
If we live long enough , we all arrive at the same question.
A Bus Rolls Down a Hill…
Some facts: 1) There is no road in sight. 2) The grade of the hill is easily steeper than 45 degrees. 3) The river is clearly low and by the looks of the bank gets several feet higher after a good storm.
NEW STORY! Many thanks to Teach.Write., who just published my story “BFF.” It’s a nasty tale of crime gone wrong between friends with an ugly twist.